Leave of absence/exemption
Students who are within the standard period of study may apply for a leave of absence in the Onlinecampus application management (My studies > Registrations & Applications)
Leave of absence is granted for at least one semester. A leave of absence can usually be granted for up to two semesters, which can also be taken consecutively, if there are appropriate reasons.
A leave of absence can only be granted within the standard period of study and only for a maximum of two semesters.
The reason for the leave of absence must be supported by appropriate documentation.
Reasons for a leave of absence may include:
- Disease
- Military or civilian service
- Support for close relatives in need of care within the meaning of the Caregiver Leave Act (Pflegezeitgesetz)
- Maternity protection in accordance with the Maternity Protection Act
- Death in the family
- Other equivalent reasons approved by the board of examiners.
During the period of the leave of absence, the right to attend courses and to complete credits is suspended.
The time of the leave of absence is not counted in determining the period of study.
For periods shorter than one semester, these are exemptions. This can also be applied for in the Onlinecampus application management (My studies > Registrations & Applications).
Even for shorter periods, the maximum time off, including leave of absence, may not exceed twelve months within the standard period of study.
Last Update: 01.11.2023