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Access to the S-NEXT Onlinecampus

When will I receive my login details and how do I register on the platform?

  • All new S-NEXT students will receive their login data for the S-NEXT Onlinecampus by email from our Program Management shortly after starting their studies.
  • The email contains your username and your personal password as well as the link to the Onlinecampus website:

If students are not fully enrolled at the start of their studies, access to the online campus will be delayed accordingly. In this case, the course can still be started and seminars attended; only the completion of examinations can only be completed after enrollment has been completed. 

As soon as enrolment has been completed by the University Office, the student will be informed by Program Management that access to the Onlinecampus is now possible.


To log in, click on the link and log in with your access data using the login button in the top right-hand corner: