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Study Work (SW)

The central task of the Study Work is literature research in preparation for the Thesis.

The Study Work is only relevant for students in the M.Sc. Business Management and M.A. Business and Organizational Psychology study programs. It is irrelevant for students studying in the MBA and 1-year M.A. programs.


A Study Work serves to clarify the theoretical foundations of the Thesis or the Transfer Project. The central task of the Study Work is literature research in preparation for the Thesis. A research question must also be formulated for the Study Work and named in the introduction. Since a theoretical orientation is given for the Study Work, the formulation of the research question is also more predetermined than in the Thesis. The research question of a Study Work is typically formulated as follows:

  • Which theories and models from the field of ABC. can help to answer the research question of the Thesis?

Only in exceptional cases can this research question be supplemented (not replaced) by a second research question to be answered in the Study Work

  • Which empirical methods can help to answer the research question of the Thesis?


A research question must also be formulated for the Study Work and named in the introduction.


Since the Thesis must also contain a theoretical part, a division of the theories and models considered can be made between the Study Work and the Thesis. Alternatively, theories and models that were discussed in the Study Work also be further deepened in the Thesis where this is useful and helpful.

If appropriate, the Study Work may also include a scientific methodological part in addition to a theoretical consideration. For example, the literature research can lead to the development of an interview guide or a questionnaire – but not already in the conduct of interviews or the collection of data with questionnaires.


If appropriate, the Study Work may also include a scientific methodological part in addition to a theoretical consideration.


For the Study Work, no structure is specified by S-Next. Depending on the research question (or research questions), a suitable structure must therefore be created that serves to answer the research question(s).

The Study Work is therefore to be understood as a work that contributes to answering the leading research question of the following thesis with the help of a literature search and, if necessary, methodological considerations. The insights gained in the Study Work should and must be summarized at the end of individual main chapters or at the end of the Study Work. This summary is to be included in the thesis as a separate chapter. Since this achievement has already been assessed in the Study Work, it is not included in the evaluation of the thesis and is not counted towards the required scope of the thesis.


The Study Work is to be understood as a work that contributes to answering the leading research question of the following thesis with the help of a literature search and, if necessary, methodological considerations.


In the OnlineCampus you will find a Word template for the Study Work with various tips on the typical elements of a literature review. We recommend that you read these instructions for the first time at the beginning of the Transfer Project, i.e. before the PSW is created.


 The table below contains the formal requirements for the Study Work. 


30 pages (from the introduction to the beginning of the bibliography)

Tolerance for size

Deviation up to +/- 10% without point deductions
Deviation from +/- 20% failed


Word template for the Study Work


5 CP


Via the OnlineCampus Registration Page

Processing time

3 months

Form of submission

As PDF, File name: Last Name-First Name_Study Work

Method of submission

Via the OnlineCampus Submission Page


Please remember to always get in touch with your Project Coach for further guidance regarding your Transfer Project and your written work. You may also refer to this Evaluation Report for SW template to gain a clear understanding of the expectations for your written work.