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Repetition of failed modules

If a student does not pass the examination for a module, this module can be repeated. Each student has a maximum of 3 attempts at each examination; further attempts must be applied for via a hardship application to the study administration. Failed examinations and attempts are stored in the grade overview in the online campus.

Failed examination performances can be repeated depending on the form of the examination performance:

  • Exam: If an exam was not passed, the student can register individually for the next exam date and retake it. Exams for INSIDER modules are offered three times a year (s. Exam dates for online seminars), exams for in-person sessions mostly twice a year or by arrangement (see Exam dates for in-person sessions).
  • TA/Case: For face-to-face courses, a repeated paper on a new topic can be submitted; it will be reviewed and graded again by the lecturer. If an INSIDER is assessed as failed, the student will be informed of this and access to the INSIDER will be reactivated. The student has the possibility to work on all processed task boxes again and to submit the INSIDER for review one more time.

If an examination performance was evaluated as passed in the second or third attempt, the grade achieved in this way is stored in the grade overview in the online campus. Failed performances and the number of repetitions are not listed on the certificate or the transcript of records.


Last Update: 31.10.2023