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Enrollment Renewal

Students should independently apply for enrollment renewal in the Onlinecampus (My Studies > Registrations & Applications > "Request for extension of the study period") before the end of enrollment.

After the end of the standard period of study, four semesters can be extended without giving reasons.

Students who do not independently register for their enrollment renewal will be contacted with the expiration of the enrollment - should there be no response within four weeks, the de-registration will be carried out.

Students who need another enrollment after four extension semesters must submit a hardship application in the Onlinecampus (My Studies > Registrations & Applications > "Hardship application for extension of study time") for this purpose.

The reason for the hardship request must be supported by appropriate documentation.

Reasons for a hardship request may include:
  • Disease
  • Military or civilian service
  • Support for close relatives in need of care within the meaning of the Caregiver Leave Act (Pflegezeitgesetz)
  • Maternity protection in accordance with the Maternity Protection Act
  • Death in the family
  • Other equivalent reasons approved by the board of examiners.

The hardship application can only be submitted if it contains a plausible plan for achieving the degree within the extension period to be applied for. The decisive factor here is above all which examination achievements are still outstanding and when exactly these will be completed. 



Status: 01.11.2023