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Deadlines for processing and evaluation

  • The processing of examinations takes place according to the respective examination form. In the case of face-to-face events with the TA/Case examination form, the examination office will communicate the respective processing time to the registered students in advance by e-mail. The processing time can vary according to the task. As a rule, the processing time for transfer papers and case studies is 6 weeks.
  • In the case of examinations for attendance courses, an examination date is already anchored in the study plan. If a student cannot or does not want to take this exam, he or she can switch to a later exam date.
  • INSIDER have basically no deadline for processing, as they can be edited and submitted individually at any time. 

EXCEPTION: In the study variants M.A. Business and Organizational Psychology as well as M.Sc. Business Management On Campus, examinations for the associated attendance courses are taken in INSIDER. In these cases, a submission deadline of max. 6 weeks applies, unless otherwise specified.

IMPORTANT: Registration for the defense of a thesis can only take place when all examination performances with the exception of the thesis itself have been graded and passed. Consequently, all INSIDER must have been submitted and graded by this time at the latest. When registering for the defense, an examination is carried out by the examination office, there is no prior reminder to the student.

  • The general deadline for the correction of certificates of achievement by lecturers at Steinbeis University is 8 weeks. We ask you to refrain from individual inquiries before this deadline. If grades are not available after the 8 weeks, please contact the examination office.


Last Update: 31.10.2023