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Continuation of studies after interruption / re-taking of courses

If a student has interrupted their studies for a longer period of time (e.g. due to vacation semesters), would like to resume their studies after a major delay, or has missed a specific course date that they would like to make up, this is generally possible without any problems.

Option 1 – The study program is still conducted in the originally selected curriculum: 

Students can register for courses from their curriculum at any time via the online campus, even if they should have attended them earlier. If the course will no longer be held in attendance in the foreseeable future, it is possible to complete the course online in the form of an INSIDER module. The INSIDER can be activated flexibly at any time via the contact person in Program Management.

Option 2 – Parts of the originally chosen curriculum are no longer performed: 

Curricula change continuously and courses are updated or replaced. After a long break in studies, some courses in the curriculum may no longer be offered. In this case, students can attend alternative modules from newer curricula, earn credit and receive credit points for this course. Attendance of alternative courses and their crediting must be done in consultation with the examination office.


Last Update: 31.10.2023