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How do I log in for Online Exams?

Where do I find the online exam platform and how do I log in with my Office365 or a manual account?

The Examination Platform

To access your online exam, you will need to log in to our examination platform.

Here's how to get started:

Your Account and Login Details

Caution: Please test in advance of every exam if your login is working!

There are two different login methods based on your email address and previous login history. If you have a Microsoft Office365 Student email address and have already logged in to this platform with it, you can use your Office365 login credentials. Alternatively, if you have used a regular username and personal password before, you can use the old manual login credentials provided.

Option 1: You have an Office365 student email address ...
AND have logged in with it before on the examination platform

Please login as usual by clicking on the green button  and entering your Office365 login credentials ( / and your corresponding password.

Option 2: You have an Office365 student email address ...
have never logged in on the examination platform with it
AND used an account with a regular username and personal password before

Please use the following old manual login credentials:

  • Login Name: firstname.lastname (all in lowercase letters)

Note: When entering your name, please replace any umlauts (such as ä/ö/ü) with the corresponding letter combination (ae/oe/ue). If you have middle or third names, please only include the first one. In the case of double last names, please separate them with a dot instead of a hyphen (Example: firstname1.lastname1.lastname2).

  • Password: SmiDD.MM.YYYY (composed of Smi and your date of birth)  
Note: The email address linked to your account should be the same as your S-NEXT contact address.

What if my login still does not work?

If you encounter any issues and are unable to log in, please send an email to no later than noon on the day before the exam.

Please note that we are unable to manually adjust login data on the day of the exam. 

Our online examination partner "Prüfster"

For comprehensive information regarding the process of online exams, as well as video tutorials, please visit our partner Prüfster's website at